Oh man, where do I start?
Well, My name is Darlene (call me DeeDee) and I'm a natura-holic. And it's freaking awesome!
I'm overly passionate about eating healthy and using gentle products that come from natural sources when it comes to taking care of myself. Now I don't always follow my own rules sometimes and I'm not perfect. But I see it as a never-ending journey towards achieving wholesomeness and simplicity in every day life. Yep, I know I sound really hippie-ish and idealistic but it's the truth.
I once lived on a hippie commune in rural Missouri for a year. From that experience, I learned how to grow my own food, plant medicinal herbs, cook from scratch (still a work in progress) and just how to be content living with less resources rather than always striving for more. Being out in nature and relying on 60 other like-minded individuals who also cared about the environment and being in control of their health was very inspiring to me and gave birth to me becoming a sort of bohemian health nut.